


我们期待着你成为我们的学生, and want to help you succeed during your studies and throughout your career.

毕业后, you will join the ranks of esteemed 正规的赌博app/GMI alumni across the globe who include CEOs and corporate presidents, 商业领袖, 企业家, 研究人员, inventors, and others who demonstrate our mission of extraordinary leadership and service.

 请知道我们随时准备帮助你成功, 正规赌博十大网站(gsr@kettering).edu) if you have questions or if we can assist you with anything during your studies as a graduate student.



一旦你决定上正规的赌博app, please confirm your enrollment and secure your place in the class by submitting the $300 Enrollment Deposit.  这笔费用适用于你的学费. 如果你是国际学生, you need to have taken necessary steps to obtain the proper student visa or immigration status before submitting your enrollment deposit. 

对于在美国以外支付学费的学生.S. 请通过Flywire支付


Please note that you must include your Student ID number with your payment. 输入您的详细信息并提交付款. 有关Flywire付款的问题,请联系 clientsuccess@flywire.com. 重要的信息可以在 Flywire网站.

对于在美国境内付款的学生.S. 请通过触控网付款


Please note that you must include your Student ID number with your payment. 输入您的详细信息并提交付款.

Insurance & 免疫接种


Per university policy, 正规的赌博app requires all enrolled students to carry health insurance.


在每个新学年开始之前, 你必须选择参加或放弃保险计划. 如果你在截止日期前不放弃, you are automatically enrolled in the 学生健康保险 Plan and are responsible for one year's premium.


International students with "F" visa status are required to be covered under the Consolidated Health Plan (CHP) 学生健康保险 Plan.  在注册时, the student is automatically enrolled in the mandatory KU-endorsed 学生健康保险 Plan and is charged for the coverage period on their student financial account.  Please talk with the International Office if you have questions about this requirement.


有关学生健康保险的完整信息,请登录 我的凯特林 (使用您的Kettering登录名和密码). 


所有学生都必须完成一份 健康查询表格 and 提交免疫接种记录(英文).



关于住房选择的重要信息, 强烈建议您查看 居住生活 page. 使用您的Kettering登录名和密码访问.

正规的赌博app鼓励学生更多地了解 汤普森大厅 and 校园村公寓. 大多数研究生选择校园村公寓, 哪些学校在我们校园的街对面. 这是一个安全的,有门禁的设施,步行即可到达. This provides apartment style living with a full kitchen, and the ability to cook your own meals.


Develop a Plan of Study by contacting your Academic Advisor for assistance.


MBA, Tech MBA, MS Operations Management or MS Engineering Management Students

Dr. Haseeb Ahmed(810) 762-7969或 hahmed@gysbmc.com


Javad Baqersad博士(810)762-7494或 jbaqersad@gysbmc.com

Girma Tewolde博士(810)762-7934或 gtewolde@gysbmc.com


Dr. Bassem Ramadan(810) 762-9928或 bramadan@gysbmc.com


Girma Tewolde博士(810)762-7934或 gtewolde@gysbmc.com


Dr. 迈克尔·法默(810)762-7963或 mfarmer@gysbmc.com


学费在开学第一天支付.  请注意您的凯特琳电子邮件的账单通知.  如果你对付款有任何问题, 请致电(810 762-9552)或电子邮件与学生会计办公室联系 studentaccounts@gysbmc.com


如学生希望汇款,请使用Flywire. Go to kettering.flywire.com 输入您的详细信息并提交付款. Please note that you must include your Student ID number with your payment.

有关Flywire付款的问题,请联系 clientsuccess@flywire.com


ID Cards are issued by the 校园安全 Office on the 5th floor of the Campus Center (Room 5-941) in the Office of Administration and Finance.  Please be sure to visit this office to obtain your ID card as soon as possible.

你的学生证必须随身携带.  请务必查看 身份证政策(http://my.gysbmc.com/page/id-card-policy-card-access) 通过登录 我的凯特林. 如果您对信用卡访问有任何疑问,请发电子邮件 DoorAccess@gysbmc.com

有关停车登记资料,请参阅 here


你在凯特林的时候, faculty and staff will use the following to communicate important information to you:

  • 凯特灵电子邮件
  • Blackboard(在线课程管理系统)
  • Banner网页/自助服务(用于注册课程, 查看学生记录,如学位评估员, 成绩及助学金资料).

你必须定期访问你的凯特琳电子邮件. 您的用户名已在您的录取录取邮件中提供.

If you have any technical questions regarding these systems, please contact helpdesk@gysbmc.com or (810) 237-8324.

  • 缴纳入学保证金


    一旦你决定上正规的赌博app, please confirm your enrollment and secure your place in the class by submitting the $300 Enrollment Deposit.  这笔费用适用于你的学费. 如果你是国际学生, you need to have taken necessary steps to obtain the proper student visa or immigration status before submitting your enrollment deposit. 

    对于在美国以外支付学费的学生.S. 请通过Flywire支付


    Please note that you must include your Student ID number with your payment. 输入您的详细信息并提交付款. 有关Flywire付款的问题,请联系 clientsuccess@flywire.com. 重要的信息可以在 Flywire网站.

    对于在美国境内付款的学生.S. 请通过触控网付款


    Please note that you must include your Student ID number with your payment. 输入您的详细信息并提交付款.

  • 了解学生健康保险和免疫要求

    Insurance & 免疫接种


    Per university policy, 正规的赌博app requires all enrolled students to carry health insurance.


    在每个新学年开始之前, 你必须选择参加或放弃保险计划. 如果你在截止日期前不放弃, you are automatically enrolled in the 学生健康保险 Plan and are responsible for one year's premium.


    International students with "F" visa status are required to be covered under the Consolidated Health Plan (CHP) 学生健康保险 Plan.  在注册时, the student is automatically enrolled in the mandatory KU-endorsed 学生健康保险 Plan and is charged for the coverage period on their student financial account.  Please talk with the International Office if you have questions about this requirement.


    有关学生健康保险的完整信息,请登录 我的凯特林 (使用您的Kettering登录名和密码). 


    所有学生都必须完成一份 健康查询表格 and 提交免疫接种记录(英文).


  • 了解房屋


    关于住房选择的重要信息, 强烈建议您查看 居住生活 page. 使用您的Kettering登录名和密码访问.

    正规的赌博app鼓励学生更多地了解 汤普森大厅 and 校园村公寓. 大多数研究生选择校园村公寓, 哪些学校在我们校园的街对面. 这是一个安全的,有门禁的设施,步行即可到达. This provides apartment style living with a full kitchen, and the ability to cook your own meals.

  • 学术顾问


    Develop a Plan of Study by contacting your Academic Advisor for assistance.


    MBA, Tech MBA, MS Operations Management or MS Engineering Management Students

    Dr. Haseeb Ahmed(810) 762-7969或 hahmed@gysbmc.com


    Javad Baqersad博士(810)762-7494或 jbaqersad@gysbmc.com

    Girma Tewolde博士(810)762-7934或 gtewolde@gysbmc.com


    Dr. Bassem Ramadan(810) 762-9928或 bramadan@gysbmc.com


    Girma Tewolde博士(810)762-7934或 gtewolde@gysbmc.com


    Dr. 迈克尔·法默(810)762-7963或 mfarmer@gysbmc.com

  • 学费支付


    学费在开学第一天支付.  请注意您的凯特琳电子邮件的账单通知.  如果你对付款有任何问题, 请致电(810 762-9552)或电子邮件与学生会计办公室联系 studentaccounts@gysbmc.com


    如学生希望汇款,请使用Flywire. Go to kettering.flywire.com 输入您的详细信息并提交付款. Please note that you must include your Student ID number with your payment.

    有关Flywire付款的问题,请联系 clientsuccess@flywire.com

  • 学生身份证和停车许可证


    ID Cards are issued by the 校园安全 Office on the 5th floor of the Campus Center (Room 5-941) in the Office of Administration and Finance.  Please be sure to visit this office to obtain your ID card as soon as possible.

    你的学生证必须随身携带.  请务必查看 身份证政策(http://my.gysbmc.com/page/id-card-policy-card-access) 通过登录 我的凯特林. 如果您对信用卡访问有任何疑问,请发电子邮件 DoorAccess@gysbmc.com

    有关停车登记资料,请参阅 here

  • 沟通和学生信息工具


    你在凯特林的时候, faculty and staff will use the following to communicate important information to you:

    • 凯特灵电子邮件
    • Blackboard(在线课程管理系统)
    • Banner网页/自助服务(用于注册课程, 查看学生记录,如学位评估员, 成绩及助学金资料).

    你必须定期访问你的凯特琳电子邮件. 您的用户名已在您的录取录取邮件中提供.

    If you have any technical questions regarding these systems, please contact helpdesk@gysbmc.com or (810) 237-8324.



除了邮寄你的I-20, we will also send you an email that provides your SEVIS number and tracking number. Use your SEVIS number to secure your visa appointment as early as possible.

目前的签证等待时间信息可在美国移民局查询.S. 国务院. The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) requires a one-time SEVIS fee (I-901 fee) for all F-1 and J-1 visa applicants. Learn more about detailed payment instructions and answers to frequently asked questions at http://www.fmjfee.com/i901fee/index.jsp.

Prepare for your arrival with the Office of 国际项目 and Admissions Offices

The Office of 国际项目 (OIP) is here to make your transition to life at Kettering as smooth as possible.

It is important that you plan to arrive in time to attend our required Orientation. 

您将收到一封电子邮件,以填写抵达表.  您也可以将您的签证和/或抵达信息发送到 kdolan@gysbmc.com 你一拿到就行. If you are arriving outside of the suggested dates, don’t worry we are still here to help.

The OIP will make every effort to pick you up from the airport in Flint and provide guidance should you be arriving at another airport such as Detroit. The OIP will contact you directly to confirm your pickup at the airport and whether they can accommodate you outside of normal pickup times if necessary and possible. 

请随时发信息给 graduateadmissions@gysbmc.com and they will be happy to answer all your arrival and immigration questions.



You can arrive in the United States up to 30 days before the start date listed on your I-20. However, if you arrive after the date listed on your I-20 you may encounter difficulties up to and including denied entry.

At the US port of entry please be prepared to present the following documents to the CBP inspection officer.

  • 持有F1签证的护照
  • 表格I-20资格证书
  • 你的录取通知书
  • 经济支持证明

Please do not pack these items in your checked luggage as you won’t be able to access them before you are inspected at the point of entry.

Note: If you are given an I-515A please report immediately to the Office of 国际项目 so that they can help you through the process of submitting the required documents to USCIS for extension of your status. Instructions for this process are always provided by the issuing border agent and the OIP will assist you in rectifying any status issues.

Once your information is confirmed the agent will take a photograph of you and scan your fingerprints. The inspecting officer should also mark your US visa with a stamp that states F1 D/S. 如果代理忘记在你的签证页上盖章或注明, please ask the officer to rectify it immediately as the process is easier at the airport/land crossing rather than after you arrive at 正规的赌博app.

Please note that with Flint as your final destination you will likely be inspected at a larger airport within the United States. Should you encounter any delays in your flights before your final leg to Flint or at immigration processing, 到弗林特会有延误,请发邮件 international@gysbmc.com 随时通知您的到达时间.

  • 签证申请和SEVIS费用


    除了邮寄你的I-20, we will also send you an email that provides your SEVIS number and tracking number. Use your SEVIS number to secure your visa appointment as early as possible.

    目前的签证等待时间信息可在美国移民局查询.S. 国务院. The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) requires a one-time SEVIS fee (I-901 fee) for all F-1 and J-1 visa applicants. Learn more about detailed payment instructions and answers to frequently asked questions at http://www.fmjfee.com/i901fee/index.jsp.

  • 与国际项目和招生办公室合作

    Prepare for your arrival with the Office of 国际项目 and Admissions Offices

    The Office of 国际项目 (OIP) is here to make your transition to life at Kettering as smooth as possible.

    It is important that you plan to arrive in time to attend our required Orientation. 

    您将收到一封电子邮件,以填写抵达表.  您也可以将您的签证和/或抵达信息发送到 kdolan@gysbmc.com 你一拿到就行. If you are arriving outside of the suggested dates, don’t worry we are still here to help.

    The OIP will make every effort to pick you up from the airport in Flint and provide guidance should you be arriving at another airport such as Detroit. The OIP will contact you directly to confirm your pickup at the airport and whether they can accommodate you outside of normal pickup times if necessary and possible. 

    请随时发信息给 graduateadmissions@gysbmc.com and they will be happy to answer all your arrival and immigration questions.


  • 为你的到来做好准备


    You can arrive in the United States up to 30 days before the start date listed on your I-20. However, if you arrive after the date listed on your I-20 you may encounter difficulties up to and including denied entry.

    At the US port of entry please be prepared to present the following documents to the CBP inspection officer.

    • 持有F1签证的护照
    • 表格I-20资格证书
    • 你的录取通知书
    • 经济支持证明

    Please do not pack these items in your checked luggage as you won’t be able to access them before you are inspected at the point of entry.

    Note: If you are given an I-515A please report immediately to the Office of 国际项目 so that they can help you through the process of submitting the required documents to USCIS for extension of your status. Instructions for this process are always provided by the issuing border agent and the OIP will assist you in rectifying any status issues.

    Once your information is confirmed the agent will take a photograph of you and scan your fingerprints. The inspecting officer should also mark your US visa with a stamp that states F1 D/S. 如果代理忘记在你的签证页上盖章或注明, please ask the officer to rectify it immediately as the process is easier at the airport/land crossing rather than after you arrive at 正规的赌博app.

    Please note that with Flint as your final destination you will likely be inspected at a larger airport within the United States. Should you encounter any delays in your flights before your final leg to Flint or at immigration processing, 到弗林特会有延误,请发邮件 international@gysbmc.com 随时通知您的到达时间.